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Paradox Downloads

3x-to-4x 2k Mar 02, 2002 Text document that outlines PdoxDOS 3.x to 4.x conversion process, primarily to maintain PdoxDOS 4.02 Compatible Mode functionality.
4xGuide 252k Feb 06, 2005 Paradox 4.x Installation and Deployment Guidelines - how to make a PdoxDOS network installation templete, with typical workstation configuration instructions.
CalPops 23k Apr 30, 1996 Paradox DOS 4.x pop-up calculator/calendar utility that I use in my apps. Fully documented and self-contained, with simple instructions that show how to insert it into any Standard Format 4.x app, assign a hot-key, pass values back to tables and dialogs, etc.

Calpops Screen Shots

CSI Paradox file list 474k Aug 07, 2000 A complete list of Paradox DOS and Paradox Windows files in the CompuServe WordPerfect forum library, as of the noted date, in a 4.x table. There are about 1300 files in the DOS section and about 1100 files in the Win section (a few of these files exist in both sections). I maintain an inventory of these files - if there is a specific file you need, just let me know.
FindIt 41k Jan 10, 1997 DOS command line utility that searches all Paradox .sc for selected keywords, and returns the results to a text file.
FindIt32 248k Apr 07, 1999 Windows version of FindIt, much more powerful than the original. A powerful and flexible word search utility. Includes support for Paradox DOS .sc files and Delphi .pas files. I use this tool on a regular basis - can't live without it!

FindIt32 Screen Shot

Lesspace 56k Dec 14, 2004 Simple command-line utility to allow 16-bit programs to access drives larger than 2GB under DOS or Windows (Developed by Mike Kennedy; evaluation version). PdoxDOS would be extinct today if Mike hadn't created this program.
LockDump 26k May 14, 1993 LockDump reports the contents of a Paradox .lck file, in fine detail. Written by Dr. David Faulkner. An oldie-but-goodie that still does the trick with modern lock files created by the BDE.
NetDump 10k May 14, 1993 NetDump reports the contents of a Paradox .net file, including user session and slot information. Similar to the contents of the "trace" file that PdoxDOS 4.x creates. Written by Dr. David Faulkner. An oldie-but-goodie that still does the trick with modern net files created by the BDE.
Patchcrt 31k Dec 30, 2000 Run this program to "patch" DOS exe's to cure typical "machine is too fast" errors. You do not need this program for PdoxDOS itself; but companion products that do need to be "patched"  include PlayRight Pro and PaintPAL. (Another Mike Kennedy life-saver!)
ParaLex45 262k Dec 10, 2004 ParaLex 4.5 is an application documentation tool written by Alan Zenreich, an all-time Paradox guru. He has released it for free public use, but does not offer any product support.
PxWiz 826k Jun 10, 1996 Various tidbits about Paradox collected from TeamB members on the old CompuServe Paradox forum - this is a Paradox table that contains notes about many common errors and "gotcha" situations. Excellent reference work.
Remlock 38k Mar 21, 1998 DOS command line utility that locates and attempts to delete Paradox .lck and .net files on a specified drive.
Remlok32 202k Mar 02, 1999 Windows version of Remlock. Deletes .lck and .net files and Paradox/BDE-specific private files on specified drives, and shows the .net file that each .lck file is pointing to. Added .txt file Mar 15, 2003. Sure beats Tools / Find / Files or Folders!

Remlok32 Screen Shot

Repkeys 3k Oct 22, 1997 Paradox 4.5 DOS add-on script that greatly enhances the report generator, with hot-keys for "ascii box" characters, calc field cut-and-paste, and much more. I use this tool every time I create or modify a report in PdoxDOS.
Suite12-SP2 5k May 13, 2006 Notes and comments about the changes that WPO Suite 12 SP2 and Paradox  SP2 make to your BDE Config file, and a "registry cleaner" file that is added to the startup RUN list.
Switches 5k Sep 18, 2000 A complete list of Paradox DOS 3.x and 4.x command line switches, what they do, and how they should be used. 
TDR 50k Sep 25, 1993 Table Doctor utility for checking Paradox table structure validation. Use TDR for table diagnostics, instead of the Tutility "Verify" option. For table versions 4.x and prior. Another "must have" tool for the PdoxDOS developer.
Wisdom 8k Nov 21, 1995 Intended to be the first chapters of a much greater work, this file covers in-depth the meanings of various Paradox GP errors that you may encounter.


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