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Downloads Page

This page contains links to files we are making available for download. For further information regarding particular files (such as file size and version information), click on the filename listed below, and you will be taken to the appropriate download page. Then, to begin downloading, just click on the filename. All files are in standard Pkzip/Winzip format unless otherwise noted.

Go to our Links page for links to other great Paradox sites, many of which also have extensive Downloads pages and other resources.


Paradox Files

3x-to-4x PdoxDOS 3.x to 4.x conversion guidelines
4xGuide DOS 4.x Install and Deployment Guide
CalPops Calculator / Calendar utility for PdoxDOS 4.x
CSI Paradox file list Compuserve file library contents
FindIt DOS word search utility for Paradox
FindIt32 Windows word search utility for Paradox or Delphi
Lesspace "drive is too big" compensation utility
LockDump lock file analysis tool
NetDump net file analysis tool
Patchcrt "machine is too fast" compensation utility
ParaLex45 ParaLex 4.5 app documentation tool
PxWiz Paradox DOS Wisdom - notes, bug lists, etc
Remlock DOS lock and net file removal utility
Remlok32 Windows lock and net file removal utility
Repkeys Expanded PdoxDOS 4.x report generator hot-keys
Suite12-SP2 Notes about important WPO and Pdox Suite 12 SP2 issues
Switches Paradox DOS command line switches
TDR Table Doctor diagnostic tool
Wisdom Paradox DOS Wisdom - GP aborts


Delphi Files

CSI Delphi file list Compuserve file library contents
FindIt32 Windows word search utility for Paradox or Delphi
Remlok32 Windows lock and net file removal utility


BDE and Tutility Files

NOTE: Using the Table Repair Utility DOES NOT guarantee the successful repair of Paradox tables. There are things that the Verify process reports as Warnings that can serious cause problems, too, which will NOT be repaired. You should ALWAYS make a backup of your tables before attempting to use the Table Repair Utility, or any repair tool, and ALWAYS validate your data and table structures after you have completed a repair process.

These files are offered as a public service, without representation of any kind. For a more extensive list of BDE files and other related files and information, see our Links page.

We also highly recommend ChimneySweep as a repair and diagnostic tool for Paradox tables. Each product (ChimneySweep and the Table Repair Utility) offers unique features that can assist you when you have table integrity problems. See the Sundial Services link on our Links page.

BDE BDE - Final Version of the BDE
TUtility Version 2.52 Tutility for BDE 2.52
TUtility Version 3.11 Tutility for BDE 3.11
TUtility Version 3.12 Tutility for BDE 3.12
TUtility Version 3.5 Tutility for BDE 3.50
TUtility Version 4.0 Tutility for BDE 4.00
TUtility Version 4.01 Tutility for BDE 4.01
TUtility Version 4.50 Tutility for BDE 4.50
TUtility Version 4.51 Tutility for BDE 4.51
TUtility Version 5.0 Tutility for BDE 5.0 thru 5.2
TUtility Version 3.2 Delphi Tutility DLL with Delphi source code
TUtility Version 4.0 DOS Tutility for Paradox DOS 4.x


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